[보도자료] 검찰수사결과 발표에 대한 세월호 가족대책위의 입장 및 요청사항

검찰수사결과 발표에 대한 세월호참사 희생자/실종자/생존자 가족대책위원회의 입장 및 요청사항

검찰은 2014년 10월 6일 “세월호 침몰사고 관련 수사 설명자료”(이하 “설명자료”라고만 하겠습니다)를 배포하면서 지금까지 세월호 참사와 관련하여 진행한 수사의 중간결과를 발표하였습니다. 이 수사결과 설명에는 다음과 같은 문제점이 존재합니다.

첫째, 여전히 많은 의혹이 남아 있음에도 불구하고 “선사측의 무리한 증톤 및 과적으로 인해 복원성이 현저히 악화된 상태에서 운항하던 중, 조타수의 조타미숙으로 인한 대각도 변침으로 배가 좌현으로 기울며 제대로 고박되지 않은 화물이 좌측으로 쏠려 복원성을 잃은 것”을 유일하고 절대적인 세월호 침몰사유로 규정하고 있습니다.

세월호 참사의 직접적인 원인이 침몰 직전 있었던 대각도변침(급변침)이라고 밝히고 있습니다. 그러나 대각도변침을 하기 직전의 AIS항적기록이 해수부는 35초, 해경은 29초간 누락되어 있어 대각도변침 이전에 세월호에 어떤 일이 있었는지, 대각도변침은 조타수 등의 과실에 기인한 것인지 혹은 고의에 의한 것인지 등이 여전히 불명확한 상태입니다. 특히 누락된 항적기록 구간의 길이를 해수부와 해경이 서로 다르게 주장하고 있이 이 부분에 대한 의혹은 더욱 클 수밖에 없습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 검찰은 세월호 참사가 조타수의 실수에 의한 대각도변침에 기인한 것이라고 서둘러 단정을 짓고 있습니다.

둘째, 여러 가지 원인에 의한 세월호 승객에 대한 구조실패를 현장에 출동해있었던 123정 함장에게만 책임지웠습니다.

참사 초기 구조인원과 장비의 투입에 있어서도 적극성을 찾아보기 어려웠습니다. 탑승한 승객을 구조하기에는 턱없이 부족한 장비와 인원만 투입하였습니다. 뿐만 아닙니다. 아래에서 밝히는 바와 같이 해경은 구조초기 해군의 투입도 막았고, 미군의 도움도 거절했습니다. 소방본부의 구조시도도 거부하였습니다. 이러한 결정은 현장책임자였던 123정 정장이 할 수 있었던 일이 아니며 실제로도 그렇지 않았습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 해경의 지휘라인에 있었던 어느 누구도 구조실패에 대해 책임을 지지 않는 것으로 판단하였습니다. 전형적인 꼬리자르기식 수사입니다.

셋째, 세월호 선내에서 발견된 노트북에서 복원된 “국정원 지적사항”에서 연유된 소위 “국정원 실소유주논란”에 대하여 국정원이 기존에 밝혔던 입장을 동일하게 되풀이하고 있을 뿐입니다.

“국정원 지적사항”문건에서 자판기설치 등 세월호의 세부적인 사항에 대한 내용이 나왔고, 직원들의 휴가계획 등 세월호의 운영에 관한 내용도 발견되었습니다. 여기에 더하여 동일하게 국가보호장비로 분류된 다른 여객선과는 달리 세월호만 유일하게 국정원에 대한 보고의무를 지니고 있었다는 점이 밝혀졌습니다. 이에 따라 국정원이 세월호와 밀접한 관련이 있은 것 아닌가 하는 의문이 크게 제기되었다.

이러한 의혹에 대해 국정원은 “다른 유관기관들과 함께 규정에 맞게 예비보안측정과 보안측정을 했고, 이 당시 9개의 사항에 대해서만 지적했을 뿐이며 나머지 내용은 모른다”라고 해명하였습니다. 그러나 위와 같은 국정원의 해명은 ‘국정원이 안 했다고 하니 안 했다고 믿어라’라는 것에 불과하여 “왜 세월호의 실제 소유주나 신경썼을법한 지적사항이 ‘국정원 지적사항’이라는 제목의 문서로 작성되어 저장되어 있었는가”하는 의혹을 전혀 해소하지 못하였습니다. 그런데 이번 검찰의 발표는 위와 같은 국정원의 지난 해명을 똑같이 되풀이한 것에 불과합니다. 청해진 해운에서 보완 관련 업무를 담당했던 것으로 알려진 양00가 구속되어 있음에도 불구하고 국정원의 이전 해명을 되풀이 한 것은 이 부분에 대한 제대로 된 수사가 진행되지 않았음을 보여주는 것입니다.

넷째, 세월호 선내 CCTV 영상저장장치(이하 “DVR”이라고만 하겠습니다)의 작동정지시간만을 가지고 ‘고의 정지의혹’이 전혀 없는 것처럼 주장하고 있습니다.

이미 뉴스타파의 분석 및 보도에 의해 DVR이 사고 당일 오전 8시 49분 59초경에 정지되었다는 것은 알려졌습니다. 반면에 김인성 박사(전 한양대학교 컴퓨터 공학과 교수)가 분석한 바에 따르면 위 시간대에 DVR의 전원이 정전 외의 비정상적 방법에 의하여 차단되었음도 밝혀졌습니다. 그렇다면 당연히 누군가에 의해 코드가 뽑혀 전원이 차단되었을 가능성도 있다는 것인데, 검찰은 이에 대해서는 아무런 수사결과를 내놓지도 않은 채 서둘러 ‘고의에 의하여 작동이 멈추었다고 볼 수 없다’는 결론을 내리고 있습니다. 검찰에게 진상규명에 대한 의지가 없음을 여실히 보여주는 부분입니다.

다섯째, 해군이 4월 30일 진성준 의원(새정치 민주연합)에게 제출한 답변서(첨부 자료 참조)의 명백한 기재에도 불구하고, 검찰은 그 이후 이루어진 해군의 진술에 기반하여 “해경이 언딘의 수색작업을 돕기 위해 먼저 도착한 해군 SSU, UDT 요원의 투입을 막은 것은 아니다”라고 주장하고 있습니다.

첨부 자료에서 보는 바와 같이 해군은 “SSU가 4월 16일 먼저 도착하여 하잠색 1개를 설치하였음에도 불구하고 해경이 다음 날 오전 7시 1분 이후 민간업체인 언딘의 우선 잠수를 위해 해군의 잠수를 통제하였다”고 밝힌 바 있습니다. 첨부 자료에 따르면, 해경은 구조와 수색이 한시 바삐 이루어져야 하는 상황에서 잠수준비를 마치고 현장에 대기 중이었던 그리고 전날 하잠색을 직접 설치하여 누구보다 잠수에 필요한 정보를 많이 보유하고 있었을 해군(SSU 9명, UDT 10명)을 대기시켰기에 그 적절성이 극히 의심스럽습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 검찰은 사고 인접시기에 제출되었고, 해군이 공식적으로 작성해 그 신빙성이 높은 첨부 자료의 기재와 달리 그 이후 이루어진 해군의 진술에 기초하여 해경의 통제가 적절했다고 본 것입니다. 언딘의 투입을 결정한 해경 수뇌부 혹은 언딘을 봐주려고 하는 것 아닌지 의심스럽습니다.

여섯째, 유병언의 정관계 로비의혹에 대해서는 항간에 이야기되던 골프채 관련 의혹의 해명만으로 모든 것이 다 해명된 것처럼 주장하고 있습니다.

막대한 자금력을 가지고 있었고, 그 자금력을 통해 정관계 인사들에게 로비를 했을 것으로 의심받아왔던 유병언이 골프채만을 수단으로 하여 로비를 하여왔을 것이라고는 볼 수 없습니다. 그러나 검찰은 항간에 이야기되던 골프채 관련 의혹이 사실이 아니라는 이유만으로 유병언이 받고 있던 정관계 로비의혹이 완전히 해명된 것처럼 주장하고 있습니다. 유병언을 잡기 위해 들였던 노력과는 너무나 비교되는 태도입니다. 이 역시 검찰이 진상을 밝히려는 의지가 없음을 보여주는 부분입니다.
이상에서 보는 바와 같이 검찰의 이번 수사결과 설명은 그 동안의 의혹을 해소하기 보다는 검찰이 얼마나 진상규명에 무능한지 혹은 의지가 없는지에 대한 의혹만 가지게 하였습니다. 반면에 철저한 진상규명을 위해서는 정치적으로 독립적이며 진상규명에 강한 의지를 가진 사람이 수사권과 기소권을 행사해야 한다는 저희 가족들의 주장이 얼마나 타당한지 다시 한 번 드러났습니다.
철저한 진상규명을 위하여 제대로 된 특별법이 제정되어야 할 것이며, 수사권과 기소권의 행사주체는 반드시 정치적으로 독립적이며 진상규명에 강한 의지를 가진 사람이 되어야 할 것입니다. 이를 위해 진상규명에 누구보다 강한 의지를 가진 저희 가족들이 수사와 기소의 주체를 정하는데 참여할 수 있도록 하여주시기 바랍니다.

검찰에 요청 드립니다.

검찰은 세월호참사 수사를 시작하면서 저희 가족들에게 수사과정 및 결과에 대해 항상 설명할 용의가 있다고 했고, 이미 수사 초기에 저희 가족들에게 관련 자료 제공 및 설명을 한 적이 있습니다. 이에 저희 세월호참사 희생자/실종자/생존자 가족대책위원회는 금주 중 검찰이 수사결과에 대해 직접 설명을 해주실 것을 요청 드립니다. 저희는 이 자리에서 위에서 지적한 의혹에 대한 추가설명을 듣고, 그동안 진행해 온 수사 및 재판에 대한 저희의 의견도 전달하려고 합니다. (설명회 일시, 장소 및 공개 여부는 검찰과 의논하여 별도로 알려드리겠습니다.)

2014년 10월 7일
세월호참사 희생자/실종자/생존자 가족대책위원회


[기다림의 버스] 9월 5일~6일 1박2일 일정으로 진행됩니다

마지막 한 사람이 돌아올 때까지 함께 기다리겠습니다.

기다림의 버스가 1박2일 일정으로 진행됩니다.

9월 5일(금) 오전 11시 서울 대한문에서 출발하여
9월 6일(토) 오후 3시 다시, 대한문에 도착합니다.

봄에 떠난 이들이, 가을이 되어도 돌아오지 못하고 있습니다. 4월 16일, 시간과 공간이 멈춰진 팽목항에선 아직 돌아오지 못한 열 명의 실종자들을 애타게 기다리는 사람들이 있습니다. 가을의 한가운데라는 추석명절이 다가올수록 기다림은 더욱 애절해집니다. 추석 귀향이 시작되는 이번주, 그 간절한 기다림에 함께해 주세요.

탑승 안내

- 긴팔 옷과 식비는 별도로 준비해 주세요.
- 아래 방법을 이용해 이름-연락처-탑승인원을 알려주세요.
홈페이지 http://jindo.sewolho416.org
핸드폰(문자) 010-9667-0030
이메일 jindo416@gmail.com
- 참가비 4만원 (기다림의 버스 티셔츠 1장 포함)

함께 하기 어려운 분들도 후원으로 마음을 보태주세요.
참가비 입금 및 후원 계좌 : 국민 023501-04-215123 양한웅(진도행버스)

청운동 11일

[가족대책위 기자회견] 청와대 앞 농성 11일차 입장 발표

세월호 가족대책위 농성 11일차 입장 발표 기자회견

2014년 9월 1일(월) 오후 2시, 청운동사무소 앞

세월호 참사 희생자들의 명복을 빌며 단원고등학교 학생 조은화, 허다윤, 황지현, 남현철, 박영인, 단원고등학교 양승진, 고창석 선생님, 그리고 일반인 승객인 권재근, 권혁규, 이영숙님이 하루 빨리 가족들의 품에 돌아올 수 있기를 기원합니다.

오늘(9/1)은 세월호 참사가 일어난 지 139일, 국회 본청 앞 농성 52일, 광화문 광장 농성 50일, 그리고 청운동 사무소 앞 농성 11일째 되는 날입니다. 세월호 참사 희생자/실종자/생존자 가족 대책위원회는 오늘(9/1) 오후 2시, 청운동사무소 앞에서 농성 11일차 입장 발표 기자회견을 개최했습니다.


이 곳 청운동사무소 앞에서 대통령 면담을 요구하며 농성을 시작한 지 11일이 지났습니다. 주말을 두 번 보냈고, 다가오는 주말은 추석 연휴라 마음이 무겁기도 합니다. 명절을 맞는 우리 가족들과 모든 국민 여러분에게, 한가위 보름달처럼 환하게 진실을 밝힐 특별법이 선물로 전해지기를 간절히 바랍니다. 그 전까지 특별법이 제정되지 못한다면, 우리들 스스로가 진실을 꺼뜨리지 않을 빛이 되어 이 자리를 지키겠습니다. 아직 돌아오지 못한 실종자 열 분이 갇혀 있는 어두운 바다, 아직 드러나지 않은 참사의 진실이 묻혀 있는 이 땅을 함께 밝히는 빛이 되어주시기를 국민 여러분에게 호소합니다.

가족대책위는 어제 저녁 7시, 안산에서 총회를 열었습니다. 총회를 연다는 소식을 듣고 새누리당 원내대표와의 면담을 위한 별도의 협의안을 준비하는 것은 아닌가 궁금해 하는 분들도 있었습니다. 몇 차례 밝혔지만 다시 한 번 말씀드립니다. 우리는 이미 7월에 가족들이 원하는 법안을 국회에 청원했습니다. 우리가 청원한 법안이 가족과 국민들이 생각하는 최선의 안이지만, 더욱 철저하게 진상을 밝힐 수 있는 법안이 있다면, 안전한 사회를 만드는 데에 더욱 확실한 법안이 있다면, 언제든지 토론할 수 있다고 말해왔습니다. 국회는 우리의 법안을 귀 기울여 들어보지도 않은 채 된다, 안 된다 품평이나 하는 자세를 보여 왔습니다. 그리고 여야 양당은 마치 된다, 안 된다가 유일한 근거인 듯 서로 다투고 있습니다. 세월호 참사로 304명의 목숨이 희생되었습니다. 국회의원 한 명 한 명이 그 중 한 사람의 희생에 대해서라도 진지하게 성찰한다면, 희생자의 넋을 기리고 대한민국을 다시 세운다는 마음으로 임한다면, 특별법 제정이 이렇게까지 힘겹지는 않을 것입니다. 오늘 오후 예정된 새누리당과의 면담에서 새누리당의 입장 변화 없이 똑같은 얘기만 해야 하는 상황이 된다면 우리는 더 이상 면담에 응해야 할 이유가 없어질 것입니다.

KBS 여론조사에서는 진상조사위원회에 수사권과 기소권을 보장하는 방안에 대한 동의가 58.3%로, 동의하지 않는다는 응답 38.6%보다 우세하게 나왔습니다. 세월호 참사를 겪고 있는 세월호 가족 모두는 철저한 진상 규명과 안전한 대한민국을 위해 무엇이 되어야 하는지를 모색하고 있습니다. 새누리당은 수사권과 기소권 보장하라는 주장이 위헌이라고 합니다. 헌법은 국민의 기본권을 실현하기 위한 최고의 기본법입니다. 진실을 알 권리, 안전을 보장받을 권리는 누구도 부정할 수 없는 국민의 기본권입니다. 이러한 기본권을 실현하기 위한 특별법 제정이 위헌이라는 새누리당의 주장이야말로 헌법의 근원과 가치를 부정하는 발언입니다. 국민의 목소리를 외면한 채, 자신들이 받아들일 수 있는 수준에서 적당히 넘어가겠다는 새누리당은 국민의 지지를 얻지 못할 것입니다.

어제 정부서울청사에서는 긴급 관계차관회의가 열렸다고 합니다. “세월호 사고 수습과 인적․물적 피해 보상을 위한 비용 대부분은 가해자인 청해진해운과 유병언 일가가 책임을 져야 한다”며 일명 유병언 법의 처리를 국회에 요구한 것으로 보입니다. 우리는 궁금합니다. 청해진해운과 유병언 일가에 책임을 묻기 위한 검경합동수사나 정부의 단호한 입장은 보이는데, 왜 정부의 책임을 스스로 묻는 모습은 보이지 않습니까? 허술한 관제시스템, 선장과 선원만 먼저 구출한 해경, 청해진 해운에 각종 지적사항을 전달한 국정원, 약속이나 한 듯 같은 시각에 사라진 CCTV 영상, 이 모든 문제에 대한 책임은 정부가 져야 하는 것 아닙니까? 이러한 의혹을 해소하고 진실을 밝히기 위해 특별법 제정을 촉구하는 것 역시 정부가 자임해야 마땅한 일입니다. 입법은 국회가 하는 것이라는 말은 정부의 책임을 방기하는 말일 뿐입니다. 소위 삼권분립이란, 입법 사법 행정의 분권적 협력 관계를 위해 필요한 것이지, 서로 책임을 떠넘기기 위해 필요한 것이 아닙니다. 박근혜 대통령 역시 이 점을 알아야 할 것입니다.

우리 가족들을 지지하기 위해 많은 분들이 찾아와주십니다. 늘 감사한 마음입니다. 그런데 간혹 가족들을 굳이 찾아와서 욕설을 퍼붓고 가는 분들도 있습니다. 도에 넘치는 욕설과 폭행이 있을 경우 우리 가족들도 가만히 있지만은 않을 것임을 경고합니다. 가족이 원하는 특별법은 우리 가족만을 위한 것이 아닙니다. 국민 모두를 위한 진실과 안전을 밝히기 위한 길임을 잘 살펴 함께 해주시기를 부탁드립니다. 그리고 청운동 사무소를 이용하시는 주민 분들에게 죄송한 마음을 전합니다. 가족들이 길을 막고 있는 것은 아니지만 통행에 다소 불편이 있게 된 점 양해를 구합니다. 그러나 청운동 주민 여러분 역시 진실과 안전의 통행을 가로막는 청와대에 더욱 큰 책임이 있다고 생각하시리라 믿습니다. 가족들과 함께 해주시기를 다시 한 번 호소 드립니다.

2014년 9월 1일

세월호 참사 희생자/실종자/생존자 가족 대책위원회

[Solidarity Letter ② ] to a Survived Student : Please know that you are never alone.

After reading a letter sent to the Pope by Mr. Young-oh Kim (Yoomin’s Father) and a survived student, an American college student Colleen sent us solidarity letters. In the e-mail, she said “I may not have the power to remove pain and suffering, but I can lift up people who are hurting in my own way. My intention for writing these letters is to lift the spirits of others.” Both letters were translated into Korean and were delivered to them. Thank you again for your solidarity!

[Solidarity Letter ① ] to Mr. Young-oh Kim: Please stay strong

A Letter from a Survived Student from the Sewol Ferry Tragedy to Pope Francis


Dear Miss Minji,

I read your letter, and I wanted to write you to send a message of love and hope.

My first thought is that you are a brave woman for expressing how you feel, and I admire you for this. I have a younger brother who is also a second year student. I love him very much and we are close. Because I cannot imagine losing him, I could never begin to fathom the grief and loss that you are experiencing.

It was particularly saddening to me how you and your friends stayed quiet throughout the ordeal. I wanted to comfort you all when I saw that.

When I read the report of how you and your classmates returned to school on July 25th, I cried with you. I heard your pleas to be treated like a regular school student, and I respect that. But when I read the awful things people have said to you [your peers], that broke my heart. That’s not right nor was it fair; it shouldn’t have happened. I believe people need to take responsibility for their actions, which definitely includes the captain and the crew, and anyone else who contributed to the disaster.

Just as you asked Pope Francis to pray for you, my community and I are going to do the following:

We are going to pray for your country.
We are going to pray for your government that their hearts will change.
We are going to pray that the truth will be revealed.
We are going to pray for Mr. Kim Young-oh.
We are going to pray for your friends and teachers; whether alive, surviving, or departed.
We are going to pray for everyone at your school.
We are going to pray for the families of the missing and the departed.
Most importantly: We are going to pray for you that you will find healing, comfort, and peace.

You have suffered in silence long enough and deserve to know everything. That is the least your country can do for you. There was a saying I remember a long time ago the went “Man can fail you, but God never will.”_

Please know that you are never alone. Be strong and keep smiling. We are all with you from afar.

Your American friend, Colleen

[Solidarity Letter ① ] to Mr. Young-oh Kim: Please stay strong

After reading a letter sent to the Pope by Mr. Young-oh Kim (Yoomin’s Father) and a survived student, an American college student Colleen sent us solidarity letters. In the e-mail, she said “I may not have the power to remove pain and suffering, but I can lift up people who are hurting in my own way. My intention for writing these letters is to lift the spirits of others.” Both letters were translated into Korean and were delivered to them. Thank you again for your solidarity!


Solidarity Letter ②  to Survived Student : Please know that you are never alone.

Appeal to Pope Francis and the World: Mr. Young-oh Kim, Father of Yoo-min Kim


Dear Mr. Kim Young-Oh,

I have been reading and following your hunger strike from far away. You have shared so much about yourself from your diary on facebook. I read that you have enemies who have spoken against you. There are people who try to stand in your way and disenfranchise you from ever knowing what happened to your daughter, Miss Yoomin. Reading these negative words while you are in recovery did not sit well with me — thus, I had to write to you. I hope this letter in some way will lift your spirits.

I applaud you for ignoring what the enemies say. They do not know you nor the struggles you have undergone in life. They have nothing better to do than to see you fall and never get up again. You have more supporters than haters, and so I implore you to keep fighting. Please don’t let them win.

I admire you for standing up and doing what is right. As a hard-working father, you deserve to know what happened to your daughter. I am so sorry for your loss and that she had to leave you and this earth in a most tragic way; there is no denying the pain, grief, and suffering that comes with losing a child. You deserve none of the things that are rising against you. When I struggle and the thought of giving up crosses my mind, I will think of you and continue to fight until the end.

If I may share a little about myself…. I am a college student who lives four hours away from home. I am only able to see my parents a few times a year. My father, like you, also works very hard; loves and provides for his children; and always wants the best for us. He is very near and dear to me and I love giving him hugs every time I come home. Yet, because of how hard he works to care of us, I worry about him and his health sometimes. I could never picture life without my father. Reading your story only makes me want to hold him tighter. I never take my parents for granted, but I am inspired to cherish them and respect them even more thanks to you.

The times when you would talk about Miss Yoomin, and how much joy she brought into your life, I often wonder what she was like. The way you talked about her could never fully convey just how much she meant to you. From what you have shared with the world, I can tell that she loves you very much and wishes for you to be with her. But please never forget that she loves you above all things, even to the day that you meet her again in heaven.

Although no one ever said that life would be easy, I find it ridiculous that no one will tell you the truth, and that’s not okay. Pope Francis is praying for you, and so are many, many Catholics — including me — and Christians around the world.

And so,

We are going to pray for Miss Yoomin, her friends, and teachers.
We are going to pray that the truth will be revealed.
We are going to pray for your country that they will have a positive change of heart.
We are going to pray for your hunger strike to end soon and that President Park Geun-hye will meet with you.
But also, we are going to pray for you, that you may find comfort and peace in God.

May He give you the strength to endure, persevere and fight.
May He touch the hearts of everyone so we all strive for justice and peace.
May He also strike down the wicked.

The Lord never promised to take away our pains; but He always gives us the strength to carry us through and stand tall against our foes.

Please stay strong. Trust in God and He will raise you above your enemies. We will pray for you from afar.

Your American friend, Colleen

사진 1

[가족대책위 기자회견] 청운동 동사무소 앞 농성 3일째 면담촉구 기자회견

세월호 가족대책위 대통령 면담 촉구

청운동 사무소 앞 농성 3일째 입장표명 기자회견

일시 및 장소 : 2014년 8월 24일(일) 오후 2시, 청운동 사무소 앞

가족들이 비를 맞으며, 뙤약볕 아래서 버티며, 농성을 지속한지 오늘로 3일째입니다. 여전히 청와대에서는 아무런 답이 없습니다.

오늘로 단식 42일째인 유민 아빠는 안정은 회복되었지만 끼니마다 제공하는 미음을 계속 거부하고 계십니다. 말은 조금씩 하시지만 계속 광화문에 가시겠다고 해서 가족들 고민이 이만저만이 아닙니다. 열흘 전 청와대 앞에 왔다가 여경들에게 가방끈으로 목이 졸려 끌려나간 예지 엄마도 다시 오셨습니다. 예지가 죽은 이유를 알기 전까지는 죽을 수 없다고 하십니다. 유민 아빠와 밥을 먹고 싶다고 하십니다. 대통령께 제발 가족들의 이야기를 들어달라고 호소하십니다.

광화문에서 단식 31일째인 시민분도 함께하셨습니다. 기력도 많이 쇠하셨을텐데 연신 어머니 아버지께 죄송하다고만 하십니다.

세월호 참사의 철저한 진상규명, 그리고 안전사회 건설. 우리가 잡은 손 놓지 않고 끝까지 함께 해나가겠습니다. 세월호 가족들, 그리고 우리들 모두 끝까지 힘내요.


세월호 참사가 있은 후 131일째 되는 날입니다. 국민을 위한 제대로 된 정부, 국회가 없었다는 사실을 온 국민이 알게 된지도 같은 시간이 흐른 날입니다.

저희 가족들은 유민 아빠의 요구이자 저희 가족들의 요구 그리고 대통령의 약속이기도 한 ‘대통령의 결단’을 촉구하기 위해 이곳 청운동 동사무소 앞에서 비를 맞고 뙤약볕 견디기를 3일째 하고 있습니다.

저희 가족들은 정말 이해가 안 됩니다. 세월호 참사의 진상을 규명하고 책임자를 처벌하며 안전한 사회를 건설하자는 저희 가족들의 요구가 왜 이렇게 안 받아들여지는지 알 수가 없습니다. 논리적이고 합리적으로 설명을 하지도 않은 채 형사사법체계를 흔든다는 말도 안 되는 변명만으로 이 당연한 요구에 당당히 맞서는 정치권도 이해가 안 됩니다. 있지도 않고 주장하지도 않고 있는 각종 특혜를 들어 안전한 사회에 대한 요구를 멈추게 하려는 사람들도 이해가 안 됩니다.

제일 이해가 안 되는 것은 눈물 흘리며 가족들과 국민들의 바램대로 철저한 진상을 규명하겠다고 약속했던 대통령님이 이제는 말과 얼굴을 바꾸며 뒤로 물러선 것입니다. 다른 누구도 아닙니다. 국정의 최고 책임자이자, 국민 기본권의 수호자이신 대통령님이 저희 가족들과의 면담 자리에서 한 약속과 담화를 통해 밝히신 약속을 이렇게도 헌신짝 취급하는 것이 가능하다는 것이 너무나 이해가 안 됩니다. 통상 사람이 눈물을 흘리며 하는 이야기는 신뢰할 수 있는데, 대통령님께는 이 상식도 안 통하는 것입니까? 이 세상에 믿을 사람, 믿을 말이 정녕 없는 것입니까?

이 이해가 안 되는 상황을 이해하려고 아니 이해할 수 있는 상황으로 만들려고 합니다. 그래서 이 세상에도 믿을 수 있는 것들이 많이 있다는 세상살이의 기본이 되는 신뢰를 저희 가족들과 국민들이 가질 수 있도록 하려고 합니다.

저희 가족들이 하고 있는 이 슬픈 농성의 길이는 우리 사회의 신뢰가 붕괴되어 있는 정도를 보여줄 것이며, 한편으로는 이 사회를 책임지고 있다고 자처하시는 대통령님의 무능도 보여주는 것이 될 것입니다. 이 슬픈 농성을 하루속히 종결할 수 있도록 대통령님의 결단을 촉구합니다. 대통령님의 결단은 무너지고 있는 이 사회의 신뢰를 다시 쌓는 초석이 될 것이며, 이 사회가 안전한 사회로 접어드는 입구가 될 것입니다.

세월호 참사 진상규명에 대한 두려움이 없다면 이 아름다운 일에 대한 주저함이 없을 것이고 없어야 할 것입니다. 당당하고 국민을 생각하는 대통령님의 모습을 보고 싶습니다. 다시 한 번 대통령님의 결단을 촉구합니다.


[Press Release] United fasting for the legislation of the special Sewol bill engages more than 20,000 citizens

United fasting for the legislation of the special Sewol bill engages more than 20,000 citizens

More than a month has passed since July 14, 2014 when the family members of the victims killed in the sinking of the Sewol ferry initiated a hunger strike urging a special law be legislated to investigate the cause of the disaster. As of August 22, 2014, the number of citizens who joined the hunger strike for one day or more at Gwanghwamun Square reached 2,200 while more than 19,000 citizens declared a day-long fast online, under the name of the “united fasting for the legislation of the special Sewol bill,” just a day after the online campaign kicked off.

Since the leaders of Solidarity for Sewol Ferry Tragedy first joined Kim Young-oh in his hunger strike on July 18, 2014, there have been a series of fasting declarations made at Gwanghwamun Square by citizens from all walks of life from religious leaders, movie stars, journalists, students, cartoonists to teachers who share the pain and suffering of the bereaved family members.

Kim Young-oh is the father of Kim Yoo-min, who died in the sinking of the Sewol ferry. August 21 marked the 40th day of his hunger strike. From 5 p.m., August 21, to 8 p.m. August 22, 19,000 or more citizens stepped up to be part of Kim’s hunger strike and the figure is increasing by hundreds every hour. Anyone who wants to support the cause for the legislation of the special Sewol bill can join by applying online on http://sewolho416.org/2323 and fast for a day wherever they are, be it home, office or school.

On August 22, at 8 a.m., Kim was sent to hospital and since then, many people have announced their own fasting in hopes for Kim’s recovery and left messages on the website rooting for the families.

Here are the messages left by the citizens: “Hoping my day can help make you remain hopeful for life” by Kim Min-ryeong; “I will carry on Mr. Kim’s hunger strike. We will be hand in hand when there are no shields protecting him” by Hong Seong-hee; “The highlight of an autumn school sports day is a relay. I will take the baton from Mr. Kim” by Seo Dong-chul; “Park’s government needs to listen to the people” by Park Kong; “Mr. Kim, leave part of your burden on the ground” by Seo Chae-yeong; “The Sewol ferry disaster does not only concern the victims’ families. It’s a social issue. I am in for the sake of myself and my family’s safety to the least.” As this article is being written, a crowd of citizens are joining the hunger strike, urging the government in one voice to set up a special panel that possesses the right to investigation and prosecution.

Join Hunger Strike in Support of Sewol Families Calling for Enacting a Special Law on Sewol







Translated by Ka-young (Monica) Wie, Volunteer
Korean Statement: [보도자료] 세월호 특별법 국민 동조단식 동참 2만 명 넘어


[Press Conference] President should take responsibility for enacting the promised special law

President should take charge in the legislation of a special bill on Sewol Ferry Tragedy that she promised.

Respected elders and delegations joining the hunger strike in Gwanghwamun hold a press conference and deliver a letter to the President urging her to make a decision

Date: 22 August 2014, 1pm
Venue: In front of Cheongun-dong Community Center

At 1pm today (22 Aug) in front of Cheongun-dong Community Center, the People’s Committee for the Sewol Ferry Tragedy and respected elders and delegations from various sectors of the society, who have joined the national movement of fasting, held a press conference demanding that President Park Geun-hye deliver on her promise of legislating the “Special Sewol Law” and make a prompt move towards the law’s enactment, and delivered a letter containing the request to the presidential office.

Present at the press conference were representatives from the People’s Committee and Professor Cho-ha Ryu of Professors for Democracy; Reverend Seung-ryeol Park, Chairman of the National Clergy Conference for Justice and Peace; Reverend Tae-hyo Jeong, Co-president of the Christian Movement for Democracy; Mr. Sang-jin Lee, Vice President of the Korean Confederation of Trade Union; and Reverent Master Han-ung Yang, Labor Committee Chairman of Jogye Order of Korean Buddism, who are also fasting in support of the Sewol families.


President should take responsibility in the matter of enacting the promised special law.

Today marks 129th day since the tragic sinking of the Sewol ferry. It has been 40 days since Mr. Young-oh Kim, father of the late Yoo-min Kim, started his hunger strike. Ten missing victims still haven’t found their way to their families.

This morning Yoo-min’s father, whose health conditions had been in rapid deterioration, had to be sent to a hospital and we cannot afford to lose any more time explaining our request in great detail to the President. Our simple and to-the-point demand is that President Park Geun-hye ought to keep her promise that was made on May 16th when she met with the families of the Sewol ferry victims. On that occasion, she said that “the first and foremost is to ensure that the family members don’t have any misgivings about the investigation.” The Korean people still haven’t forgotten that promise.

During the visit of Pope Francis, who is respected throughout the world, the families of victims were able to meet him every single day. The Pope listened to the words of the Sewol families wherever he was and soothed our wounded hearts. President Park herself thanked the Pope for consoling and praying for the Sewol ferry victims and their families. Then why is she not able to console the families herself by showing determined actions, by agreeing to meet with the families, and by delivering on her promise to enact a special law that reflects the terms of the families? Presidential spokesperson Kyung-wook Min recently even stated that “the special law on Sewol needs to be worked out between the ruling and opposition parties” and “it is not a matter the President should weigh in on.” The Korean people are indignant to the President’s irresponsible response to the families of victims who are risking their lives to ensure a thorough investigation of the incident.

A thorough and independent investigation—that’s the only thing the families of victims want. With a firm belief that legislating a special law that includes guaranteed rights to investigate and prosecute would uncover the truth, the families of the Sewol ferry victims traveled around the nation to collect millions of petition signatures without having a moment to truly ponder upon the absence of their precious children. They walked 40 kilometers calling for a thorough investigation and making a safer society, and are still staging a rally in front of the National Assembly and on the streets. In Gwanghwamun Square, a father, who has been fasting for 40 days and painfully making his way to meet the President because he “feels sorry for not having protected his daughter,” is continuing the hunger strike with his life on the line. Until when is the President going to turn a blind eye to the pains of the people?

As the President is well aware of, the ruling and opposition parties shamelessly stroke a deal on a special bill that does not include the families’ terms. Now it is time for the President to make up her mind. The President ought to grant the desperate wish of the families by acting on the promise that she made. Thousands of the Korean people are convening in Gwanghwamun Square in concern for the prolonged fasting of Yoo-min’s father and having a relay fasting to call for the legislation of a special law that includes investigative and prosecuting powers. The eyes of the Korean people are now on the choice and decision the President will make.

The President should not ignore this matter any longer. President Park must make a decision to enact a special law that allows a thorough investigation. If the promise she made to the families of the Sewol ferry victims and the Korean people was not just empty words, the President should make a decision.
We hereby make an unequivocal statement to the President that the final moment is approaching. The President needs to clearly realize that it will be not long before the 50 million Korean people march to the presidential office to meet her. This is our final warning.

22 August, 2014
People’s Committee for the Sewol Ferry Tragedy
Elders and delegations of various social sectors participating in the national fasting movement in Gwanghwamun
Those holding a press conference to call for President Park’s decision

(Translated by Hyunah Chu, Volunteer)
Korean Statement: [기자회견] 특별법 제정 약속한 대통령이 책임져라! – 대통령 결단 촉구 서한 전달

english hunger strike

Join Hunger Strike in support of Sewol Families Calling for Enacting A Special Law on Sewol

[Please Join] Hunger Strike in support of Sewol Families Calling for Enacting A Special Law on Sewol

Mr. Kim Young-oh, Yoomin’s father continued his hunger strike for 40 days as of today(22 August 2014). This morning at around 8 am(Korean time), he was sent to the hospital due to his health condition. Sewol families have continued their protest in front of the main building of the National Assembly for almost 40 days. Three family members who carried 6kg cross and marched for almost 900km for around 40 days calling for a transparent and independent investigation.

Sewol families have continuously called to enact a special law for a transparent and independent criminal investigation and indictment. The special law should also include strong measures to prevent further tragedies like the Sewol Ferry tragedy. The Government and the ruling party are refusing to accept the demands under the pretext that we did not have precedent in the country. In South Korea, the prosecutors’ office has an authority to indictment.

We all know that “One cannot be neutral about human pain.” Let’s walk one step closer to Sewol families and hold their hands. Let’s enact a Special Law on Sewol with people power.

* 이미 한국어 시트에 동조단식 동참 선언을 해주신 분은 중복하지 않으셔도 됩니다.
한국어 시트 바로가기 >> http://bit.ly/sewolhotogether

How to support?

1. Please join hunger strike and let us know by filling up below form
Sign up form : http://bit.ly/XE5Z0W

2. Please change your SNS(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc) profile photo.
Download image at http://bit.ly/XE5Z0W

3. Please send us your solidarity photo.
- twitter @sewolho416
- facebook : www.facebook.com/solidarityforsewol
- Email : sewolho416@gmail.com
- Sample of solidarity message : http://sewolho416.org/2138

SNS Profile Image

english hunger strike


[Press Conference] Expressing Views on the Pope’s Visit, Mr. Young-oh Kim’s letter

[Press Conference]

Expressing Views on the Pope’s Visit

Date: 18 August 2014, 1pm

Venue: Gwanghwamun Square

Letter to the President Park from Mr. Young-oh Kim

(18 August 2014, Seoul) Pope Francis’ visit to South Korea was a great consolation to our Sewol families. Greetings at the airport on 14 August upon his arrival, private meeting on 15 August before the Mass for the assumption day, holding hands during the car parade on 16 August before the beatification mass, baptizing Mr. Hojin Lee, a father of Seung-hyun on 17 August, and today’s Mass for Peace and Reconciliation at Myungdong Cathedral, Pope Francis met and prayed for Sewol families every day during his visit.

The Pope always wore yellow ribbon, ‘Sewol badge’ during his time in South Korea. He also promised to take 6kg cross to Rome, which Mr. Hojin Lee, father of Seung-hyun and Mr. Hak-il Kim, father of Woongi carried during their 900km march for a transparent and independent investigation. We believe that this shows that the Pope will not forget the Sewol ferry tragedy.

The Pope responded to all requests from weak and vulnerable Sewol families. The Pope met me in person before the beatification mass and it was my 34th day of hunger strike. He also baptized Mr. Hojin Lee. Even though it might breach protocol of his visit, the Pope stepped down from the car to greet me and took the letter in person that I gave to him.

As if the purpose of his visit is to comfort Sewol families, the Pope was with us during his visit.

On the other hand, President Park Geun-hye’s attitude is far from Pope’s position. On 16 May when the President had a meeting with representatives of the Sewol families, she promised to meet us whenever necessary but it never happened again. From certain point, she did not even mention about the Sewol Ferry tragedy. The Pope met us more frequently than the President, even though he was here only for few days. I have continued my hunger strike for 36 days as of today, calling for enacting a special law for a transparent and independent investigation, but I have been totally ignored. I delivered my letter to the President Office and asked guards to check whether it was well delivered to the President, but even that request was ignored.

The President promised to enact a special law for a thorough investigation and Sewol families’ request will be well reflected in that law. However, during the process, the President Office and the ruling party have been uncooperative, irresponsible and insincere while negotiating the special law. At the current stage, we cannot guarantee enactment of the special law due to a stubborn opposition of the ruling party.

What kind of government ignoring its people who lost their children due to the government’s fault and went on hunger strike calling for a transparent and independent investigation? Why should Korean people appeal to the worldwide religious leader instead of our own government?

President Park thanked the Pope for consoling the Sewol families. However, the President should be the one who comforts us. We can be healed only when we find out the reason of our children’ death. That is why we are continuing our hunger strike while risking our lives, calling for enacting a special law for a transparent and independent investigation. Without that, any other supports are unnecessary and not meaningful. The only way to comfort the Sewol families is to enact a proper special law on Sewol.

Now I am very exhausted and in such a great pain. However, what I really fear is not my death but not finding the truth of my daughter and her friends’ death. So, I cannot give up. Please save the Sewol families by enacting a special law, as Sewol families want.

Madame President, please make a firm decision. I request you to have an official meeting with us. I will continue to come to see you at the President House until our Sewol law is enacted. The Pope, who is not even directly relevant to the Sewol families, did not ignore our sufferings and pain. Madame President, who is responsible for Korean peoples’ lives and safety, I appeal to you not to turn your back against us who lost our children.

18 August 2014

Young-oh Kim
(Yoomin’s Father)


[Flyer] We Want The Truth of The Sewol Ferry Tragedy

We Want The Truth of The Sewol Ferry Tragedy

1. Background

  • The Sewol Ferry(세월호) bound to Jeju Island from Inchon capsized on 16 April 2014 carrying 476 passengers, the majority of them students from Danwon High School.
  • It is still unclear why the ship capsized but when it happened, overloaded cargos fell down to the sea and the ferry lost its center of gravity. The ferry was carrying 2,142 tons of cargo with 762 tons of ballast water. According to the relevant regulation, it supposed carry 1,077 tons of cargo when it has 1565.8 tons of ballast water. It was later found that the ferry was renovated to carry more cargos for financial benefits.
  • During the rescue operation, there was an overall lack of coordination between the Coast Guard, the Navy, and other support groups on the ground.
  • As of 11 June 2014, the disaster caused the death of 304 people including 10 missing people. The rescue operation is ongoing. Two divers and five rescuers lost their lives during the rescue operation.

2. Issues of concern

The rescue operation

  • The captain left the ferry before the passengers while ordering them to ‘stay inside the ferry’. Also, he did not report the accident immediately. Instead of reporting the incident to the coast guard, he reported it to the National Intelligence Service. Why did he make such orders to the passengers? Why did he not report the accident immediately?
  • Coast Guard rescued the captain of the ship and its staffs earlier than any other passengers. Also, they did not order people to leave the ferry and did not enter the ferry to rescue people even though they knew that passengers were still inside. Why did the Coast Guard not act urgently to save the people sinking?
  • The police did not immediately arrest the captain and even after the arrest, the police took the captain, a suspect, to his own house instead of detaining him at the police station. This created a huge controversy in regards to the independence of the investigation.
  • During the rescue operation, there have been inconsistencies in reporting the actual situation on the ground and major discrepancies between the Coast guard rescue effort report versus the Government briefing report. At the beginning, the Government announced that most passengers were rescued and then it changed its position after few hours.
  • It is not verified where President Park Geun-hye was for 7 hours during the so-called ‘golden hour’. The “golden hour” is a medical term referring to the time in which rescue personnel need to start treating a patient to give them the best chance of survival.



Failure of accurate report by Media

  • At the beginning of the incident, several public broadcasting cooperations reported that all passengers were rescued, and other media just copied these false reports, which created a huge confusion and false expectation among the general public. Also, the Government and the Navy reported that they were providing all possible rescue personnel and equipment for the rescue operation and the media just copied their announcement without checking. Later, during the parliamentarian investigation, it was found that the Government’s report on the rescue operation is quite different from the situation on the ground.
  • Former editor-in-chief of the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) disclosed the President Office’s control of broadcasters and resigned from his position1. To protest against the President Office’s control of the media, KBS staff members went on a strike and 5,623 media workers issued a statement expressing their regret on how they reported on the Sewol Ferry Tragedy and apologized that they did not resist against the authorities when they tried to manipulate the media.

Failure of Examining Safety Regulations

  • Irregular Workers 19 of the 33 crew staffs on the Sewol Ferry were irregular workers – including the captain. The wage of the captain was only 60~70% of other captains. Irregular workers with temporary employment contracts and no job security causes poor working conditions and the oversight of safety awareness.
  • The deregulation of South Korea’s shipping industry When the Sewol tragedy happened, it was already 21 years old. It was imported from Japan when it was 18 years old. The deregulation of South Korea’s shipping industry under the former President Lee Myung-bak (2008-2013) resulted in a rise of unsafe practices. Deregulation extended ferry service periods from 20 to 30 years, allowing older ships such as the Sewol to continue operating2.
  • Profits vs Safety The Sewol ferry was illegally renovated to carry extra illegal cargos in order to bring in higher profits. For one year, the Sewol Ferry had carried excess cargo on its Incheon-Jeju route 139 times, resulting in almost US$3 million in profit for the owner, Cheonghaejin Marine Company. However, the Sewol Ferry passed the Government’s safety check instead of being regulated. It is mainly because that the Government let the Shipping Association who is the main stakeholder do self-imposed control of the safety check under the name of deregulation.
  • No enforcement of safety regulations is not only confined to the shipping industry but can also be seen in other aspects of South Korean society.

Enactment of the Special Bill on Sewol

  • Victims’ families have continuously called to enact a special law for a transparent and independent criminal investigation and indictment. The special law should also include strong measures to prevent further tragedies like the Sewol Ferry tragedy. Within two months, Sewol victims’ families collected around 4 million signature petitions in support of their demands, when the total population of South Korea is 50 million people.
  • The Government and the ruling party are refusing to accept the demands under the pretext that we did not have precedent in the country. In South Korea, the prosecutors’ office has an authority to indictment.

3. Demands

  • Enact a special law guaranteeing a transparent and independent criminal investigation and indictment.
  • Take all possible measures to avoid similar tragedies in the future. These new safety measures must be clearly communicated with the public.
  • The media to be independent of Government influence.
  • Protect whistle blowers. People should have the right to voice their doubts in regards to the causes of the tragedy and the failure of the rescue operation without the threat of being legally prosecuted.

4. How to support?

  • One-person or a group demonstration to raise awareness of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy
  • Organize a Candlelight Vigil to remember and honor the Sewol Ferry victims
  • Send solidarity messages to the Sewol Ferry victims
  • Raise awareness on the truth of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy
  • Send details on your participation with photos to sewolho416@gmail.com

1. The Hankyoreh, Former KBS newsroom chief reveals Blue House control of reporting, 17 May 2014, http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_national/637453.html
2. Ballimore, K. , 12 May 2014, Crony Captitalism and the South Korean ferry tragedy, Red Flag, http://redflag.org.au/article/crony-capitalism-and-south-korean-ferry-tragedy


20140814_truth of SEWOL ferry

Carta por parte de las familias de las víctimas del ferry Sewol su Santidad Francisco I

Carta por parte de las familias de las víctimas del ferry Sewol

14 de agosto, 2014

Su Santidad Francisco I:

Le rogamos que lea esta carta que le dirigimos con todo respeto.

La palabra ‘Sewol’ significa en coreano ‘el tiempo quetranscurre’. Sin embargo, cuando el buque llamado ‘Sewol’ se hundió en el mar cerca de la isla Jin el 16 de abril de 2014, el tiempo se detuvo para todos nosotros.

Somos los padres de los estudiantes de la escuela preparatoria de Danwon, quienes murieron en el desastre del ferry Sewol. No podemos creer lo que ha sucedido y sentimos como si todavía estuviéramos atrapados en una pesadilla. Como cuaquier padre y madre del mundo, nuestro deseo era tener a nuestros hijos cerca de nosotros a cada momento, pero ahora solo podemos llamar su nombre sin obtener respuesta y sabemos que ellos no volverán más a nosotros. Cuando nos notificaron del naufragio en lo único en que podíamos pensar era en ver, tocar y abrazar a nuestros hijos una vez, sólo una vez más. Pero desgraciadamente, cuando rescataron los cuerpos no pudimos tocarlos porque temíamos que se dañaran ya que los restos de nuestros adorados hijos se encontraban ya en un estado de degradación muy avanzada. Peor aún, todavía no se han rescatado 10 víctimas que están perdidos en el mar hasta este momento. Sus familas están desesperadas por que los encuentren lo antes posible a pesar de sería muy difícil reconocer sus cuerpos. Una familia de 4 miembros viajaba en el ferry Sewol, la madre fue hallada muerta, el padre y el hijo de 7 años no han podido ser encontrados hasta ahora y sólo la hija de 5 años sobrevivió. Ella grita y llora todos los días creyendo que toda su familia se fue a otro lugar y la han abandonado.

Nos han contado que cuando era obispo en Argentina, Usted fue a ayudar durante un incendio, y que incluso llegó antes que los bomberos. También sabemos que Usted protestó muy duro ante el gobierno y los fiscales por lo insatisfactorio de sus acciones ante ese terrible evento, especialmente cuando el tribunal dictó el veredicto. Gracias a su participación se develaron las causas ocultas del incendio y los culpables fueron castigados cuando finalmente se dio el fallo final. La iglesia católica coreana nos ha ayudado inmensamente. Nos ha ofrecido misa diariamente en la isla Jin y en nuestra ciudad Ansan a partir del desastre. Cientos de monjas y padres, junto con nosotros y otros simpatizantes, están participando en la huelga de hambre con la que expresamos nuestra demanda de justicia en la plaza Gwanghwamun. Sin embargo, el gobierno, los fiscales, el tribunal, el Congreso nacional al igual que los medios, no han prestado la debida atención para resolver este caso e ignoran nuestras demandas.

Nuestra demanda es muy simple. Queremos saber laverdad. ¿Por qué razón las autoridades le permitieron navegar a ese barco que tenía tantas irregularidades? ¿Por qué no pudieron salvar a ninguno de los pasajeros que estaban dentro del barco cuando sucedió el hundimiento, a pesar de que tuvieron suficiente tiempo? Queremos saber por qué razón los medios transmitieron una noticia errónea diciendo que todos se salvaron. Además, los medios mintieron al decir que la guardía costera estaba haciendo todo lo posible para el rescate, pero resultó que no se estaban esforzando lo necesario para salvar a las víctimas. Tenemos muchas dudas que aún no se nos han aclarado por parte del gobierno.

La Presidenta de la República y muchos otros politicos de alto nivel, después del desastre prometieron que nunca volvería a suceder una tragedia como esta. La Presidenta dijo que todo lo que ocurrió era su responsabilidad y prometió que iba a revelar la verdad y se aprobaría una ley especial. Pero ahora ella nos ignora. Dijo que somos siempre bienvenidos a su despachopero ahora la policía nos bloquea las calles que llevan a la Casa Azul, la residencia oficial de la presidencia. ¿Es que hay algo que la Presidenta teme que sea revelado? Se dice que no se supo nada de ella durante 7 horas el día en que sucedió el desastre. Fueron precisamente esas horas cuando nuestros hijos y nuestras familias estaban muriendo en el mar… Pero la Casa Azul y el partido oficial dicen que no tenemos derecho a saber el itinerario de la Presidenta durante ese tiempo. Un senador del partido official, encargado de la investigación de este caso, incluso envió un mensaje en una red social en el que insulta a las familias de las víctimas. La policía ha reprimido violentamente a las familias que han participado en protestas e incluso han llegado a maltratarlos fisícamente. El gobierno y el partido oficial, que fueron inútiles para salvara las víctimas, irónicamente son eficientes en silenciar a los medios y en eluso de medidas represivas para controlarnos. Ya no podemos aceptar más esta situación llena de falsas promesas y mentiras por parte de las autoridades.

Los familiares estamos pidiendo que se apruebe una ley especial que permita que se organice un comité de investigación autónomo, con el derecho de perseguir a todos los posibles responsables así como de resolver la investigación hasta sus últimas consecuencias. En esta propuesta de ley especial no está incluida ninguna demanda de compensación económica o previlegios para las familias afectadas. Lo que se pide es que pueda revelarlas causas del desastre: ¿por qué dejaron morir a las víctimas sin hacer lo suficiente cuando ellos estaban sufriendo dentro del barco? ¿Qué tipo de negligencia o corrupción del sistema permitió este desastre? Porque queremos que no vuelva a ocurir otra tragedia como esta a través de una investigación adecuada que lleve al castigo de los culpables y permita corregir los problemas de fondo en el sistema. Deseamos que en el futuro nadie tenga que despedirse de su familia dela manera tan trágica como nos ha sucedido a nosotros. También queremos que esta ley especial sirva para prevenir otros accidentes como los que de hecho siguen ocurriendo y así construir un país más seguro. Millones de personas nos han apoyado pensando que esta tragedia no es solamente de nosotros sino también de ellos mismos. Estos ciudadanos comunes y corrientes, gracias a su solidaridad y apoyo constante, han sido para nosotros el verdadero estado protector ya que el gobierno ha estado ausente desde que ocurrió la tragedia.

Entre los estudiantes que fallecieron había un chico que lo respetaba inmensamente y quería seguir su ejemplo en la vida. Ese alumno se llamaba Sung-ho Park, quería ser sacerdote y hacer trabajo comunitario como lo hizo el padre Tae-suk Lee que trabajó arduamente en África. Otro estudiante, Wun-ki Kim, era un seminarista con mucha vocación, y el alumno Joon-hyung Chang tenía también el sueño de llegar ser cura. Otra víctima es Sung-ho Chol, hijo único en su familia. Otro chico fallecido, Kwon-ho, era el único soporte para su madre, él rezaba y la animaba en su búsqueda de empleo. El padre de la jovencita Yoomin, otra víctima, quien se hacía totalmente cargo de ella y de su hermana depués de su divorcio, se encuentra haciendo huelga de hambre por ya más de 30 días, y ahora su salud se está deteriorando peligrosamente.

Por favor escuche nuestro ruego.

Hemos perdido a nuestros preciosos hijos y ya no podemos decirles que los amamos. Amargamente sabemos que no volverán a la vida, pero queremos revelar la verdad para que podamos verlos a la cara sin sentir vergüenza cuandonos reunamos en el cielo. Quisiéramos poder ver a nuestros hijos en nuestros sueños pero no aparecen. Quizás porque ellos no están conformes con esta situación en laque la verdad de la causa de su muerte sigue oculta. Incluso hasta ahora nos ponemos la ropa y los calcetines que ellos llevaban para sentirlos a nuestro lado. Pero al mismo tiempo tenemos miedo de que se desgasten pronto. Los estudiantes sobrevivientes se sienten culpables porque encierta forma sienten como si hubiesen abandonado a sus amigos. Ellos suelen visitar el aula de sus compañeros muertos y permanecen ahí por un tiempo para sentir su presencia. Por ellos también, los jóvenes sobrevivientes, tenemos el deber de descubrir la verdad. Si no lo hacemos viviremos con culpa sin poder escapar del recuerdo de la pesadilla del ferry Sewol y eso sería la peor desgracia para nosotros. Después del día de la tragedia, cada día y cada momento ha significado un sufrimiento incalculable para nosotros. No podemos sentir el latido de nuestros corazones y hasta nos duelen los huesos. Desearíamos que nuestros hijos hubiesen nacido en otras familias y no hubiesen tenido padres pobres y sin poder como nosotros pensando que quizá así podrían haberse salvado. Nos morimos de vergüenza y nos odiamos a nosotros mismos porque nopudimos proteger y salvar a nuestros hijos. Por eso es que queremos tener la suficiente valentía y fuerza para seguir luchando para que se llegue a laverdad y se haga justicia aunque estamos exhaustos e incluso enfermos. Sabemos que vamos a pelear contra un gigantesco poder. Esta lucha no es sólo por nosotros sino para todo el pueblo y por un país más seguro. Su Santidad, creemos que luchar por la verdad es la única manera con la que podemos tener esperanza de que el tiempo detenido en el nos encontramos pueda fluir nuevamente y nuestras vidas continúen.

Su Santidad Francisco I, deseamos de todo corazón que su estancia en nuestro país nos permita acercarnos a su ministerio de paz y amor solidarios, nosotros por nuestra parte queremos despedirnos agradeciéndole profundamente el gran honor que nos hace al visitar Corea, y muy particularmente el gran favor de leer esta carta que dirigimos con todo respeto y cariño.

Familias de las víctimas del ferry Sewol

A Letter from the Families of Those Missing from the Sewol Ferry Tragedy to Pope Francis

A Letter from the Families of Those Missing from the Sewol Ferry Tragedy

14 August 2014

Your Holiness, Pope Francis,

We are the families who lost our loved ones on April, 16th, when our beloved ones were on board the Sewol ferry, heading for Jeju Island. South Korea has been in deep sorrow and shock as the whole nation watched the live broadcast of 304 passengers being swallowed by the ocean. 10 missing people are still wandering over the deep cold water, and have not yet returned to the bosom of their families.

Families who are anxiously waiting for the last 10 missing passengers are standing on their edges of life, enduring unbearable agony and sorrow at Paengmok Harbor. Many have fainted due to extreme exhaustion, and one of the family members had to go through a lung surgery to remove 2/3 of his one lung. Another family member is not receiving his brain tumor surgery, as all he wishes for is finding his daughter from the deep ocean. We are going through this severe pain for over 120 days, staying up days and nights at Paengmok Harbor. We pray to the Lord for the reach of His blessings and mercy on us through your holy hand.

We feel like our missing children are crying on the wet beds waiting for the reach of a helping hand. At Paengok Harbor, their voices are echoing and their families’ tears and painful outcries are unending. We are still unable to escape from this ocean of agony, and although the Sewol tragedy is still on-going, we are being forgotten as there are “only” 10 missing passengers left. Your Holiness, we heard that you are meeting the bereaved families. Please, Your Holiness, we beg for your prayer for the blessings of the Lord onto the families of those missing, so that we don’t let go of the courage and strength to fight against this time of sorrow and so that the people of Korea remember us. And we beg for your presence at Paengmok Harbor, to hold our grieved hands.

Also Your Holiness, we beg for your prayer for our sons and daughters in the ocean, so that they can say goodbyes in the bosom of their parents, and also for us, to be able to let our loved ones go to the heaven after the last encounter we longed for. We sincerely wait for the reach of your prayer upon us, as we are unable to find our children and will live the rest of our lives with huge bruises in our hearts.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.(Matthew 11:28)” We pray that these words may get to us as a saving hand through our prolonged encounter with you, to comfort the suffering souls of ours.
Our Most Holy Father, on behalf of the families of those missing who can’t come near you, please pray for the missing students, teachers, and people who were the jewels of our lives. Please pray for us with all the people of South Korea. We bless your visit to South Korea with tears and pain. We sincerely hope for the Lord’s love upon the families of those missing through Your Holiness, and your presence at Paengmok Harbor.

Sincerely yours,

The families of those missing from the Sewol ferry tragedy

A Letter from a Survived Student from the Sewol Ferry Tragedy to Pope Francis

A Letter from Ms. Minji Choi, Survived Student from the Sewol Ferry Tragedy

14 August 2014

Dear Your Holiness Pope Francis,

Hello. My name is Minji Choi and I am studying at Danwon High School. It is a great honor for me to have a chance to write to you. I also would like to thank you for visiting my country.

I am writing to you today to share my feelings in the last 120 days after the Sewol ferry tragedy and would like to share my views on the reality of my country. It was such a painful time for me. Even though I was happy during the day time, I cried quietly every night while looking at photos that I took with my friends. Sometimes, I just want to follow after them or leave this pathetic country, but I know it is not the right time. I am looking at my friends’ photos in great agony.

After we were rescued from the tragedy and sent to the hospital, we were treated in a way that adults think the most appropriate. When we watched TV, numbers of dead and missing victims were on the screen. We were sent to a small room and ‘adult counselors’ were asking us whether we were okay. We were, of course, not okay but just told them that we were fine to end the counseling. Just like we told everyone that we were fine.

I believe that the genuine healing process can be started when the captain and other staff who left us behind and were safely rescued, unlike anyone else, and all other responsible people, sincerely apologize to us about what happened. And somebody should tell us why this tragedy happened, why passengers were told to stay calm and wait inside the ferry, and who should be responsible for this tragedy. It will be still hard to believe and to forgive them even when we know the truth and when someone apologizes to us, but at least this can be the first step to comfort my friends who perished with the ferry and their families.

We have stayed quiet so far. When the hospital gave us counseling which was hard to understand, when journalists rushed after us when we were crying at the hospital, when we were forced to go to school to prepare for our exams, when we watched my friends’ families crying, we just stayed quiet. Well, we had to stay quiet. As an 18-year old girl and as a student, it has been difficult to express our opinion, and the only thing that we can do is to get information from the media which is not independent at all. The Government’s position that we hear from the media is driving us crazy.

The media cover stories about giving us special admission to universities and monetary compensation which create negative public opinion towards us. We never asked for those privileges. Families of missing friends, as of today ten, are endlessly waiting for their children and families in a poor condition in a stadium in Jindo. Police officers even use violence against my friends’ families who want to know the truth of the Sewol ferry tragedy. I am only 18 years old, but now I know the reality.

I think my country is going crazy. This expression might be too aggressive but I would like to share how serious my country’s situation is. I cannot see my friends anymore, with whom I used to laugh together, eat together and hug each other until recently. Their parents raised my friends with full-hearted love but they can neither hug them nor touch their faces anymore. Even though we suddenly lost a part of our lives, the Government kept ignoring us.

In fact, I am happy that the Sewol ferry tragedy gets people’s attention again thanks to your visit. If we forget this tragedy and fail to find the truth, my country will repeat the same mistakes for sure and it will eventually break down. Therefore, your visit to my country really comforts us.

Your Holiness Pope Francis, you are our only hope.

Please pray for my country. Please tell my Government that people are real owners of the state and that it is a democratic country. My friend Yoo-min’s father has continued his hunger strike for more than 30 days to enact a special law for a transparent and independent criminal investigation and indictment. We are scared every day that he might leave us soon. We did not do anything wrong, but why do we have to suffer like this? When will this pain end?

Please, please I beg you. My friends who naively trusted adults and lost their lives and their families, future victims of similar tragedies like Sewol, for all of them, we need to enact a special law for the truth of the Sewol ferry tragedy and establish a safer society. We want to know why my friends had to leave us.

Please pray for us. My government does not listen to us anymore. Your word can change my government and Korean society. We already lost trust in adults and this society. Please help us and pray for us.

Thank you for reading my letter.

Yours sincerely,

Minji Choi


[Press Conference] Families of Sewol Ferry Tragedy’s Messages to Pope Francis

Families of Sewol Ferry Tragedy’s Messages to Pope Francis

We Want the Truth of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy

Date & Time: 13 August 2014(Wednesday), 2pm
Venue: Gwanghwamun Plaza

Families of Sewol ferry tragedy held a press conference on 13 August 2014, 2pm at Gwanghwamun Plaza in Seoul, South Korea to deliver their messages to Pope Francis who will visit South Korea on 14 August. At Gwanghwamun Plaza, Mr. KIM Young-oh who lost his daughter during the tragedy is continuing his hunger strike for 31 days as of 13 August 2014, calling for a transparent and independent investigation. As of today, 304 people, including 10 missing victims, died at the Sewol ferry tragedy which happened on 16 April 2014. Only 172 people survived from this tragedy.

Even after 120 days, the Sewol ferry disaster is still ongoing. Families marched on foot from Ansan to Seoul (around 43 km), held weekly candlelight vigils, collected almost 4 million signature petitions, and continued their hunger strike to seek the truth of the Sewol ferry tragedy. Until today, Sewol families have continuously called to enact a special law for a transparent investigation and develop strong measures to prevent further tragedies like the Sewol ferry incident.

At this press conference, families delivered their urge to seek the truth of the Sewol ferry tragedy and read their letter to the Pope Francis.

Sewol Families’ schedule to greet the Pope Francis

During Pope Francis visit to South Korea, Sewol families will greet his holiness following below schedule:
- 14 August 2014 – Upon arrival at Seoul Airport
- 15 August 2014 – During and after the mass at Daejeon (After the mass, families will meet the Pope in person.)
- 16 August 2014 – During the mass at Gwanghwamun Plaza
- 17 August 2014 – During the closing mass of the 6th Asian Youth Day at Daejeon


Letter to Pope Francis: Mr. Byung-kwon Kim (Chairperson, The Families of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy)

The families of 4/16 Sewol Ferry Disaster wholeheartedly welcome Pope Francis who has been making the world a beautiful one by standing beside the weak and the suffering. We would like to express our utmost gratitude to Pope Francis for praying for us at the time of the disaster and allowing us to be with him on many occasions during his visit to the Republic of Korea. We will be with the Pope greeting him upon his arrival at the Seoul Airport on the 14th August, we will attend the mass and meeting him in Daejeon on 15th August, and participate in the mass at Gwanghwamun Plaza on the 16th August and the mass in Daejeon on the 17th August.

After 120 days from the 16th of April, the effects of the disaster are still on-going. Hundreds of people lost their lives without proper search and rescue operations, 10 people are still missing and their family members continue to stay at Pangmok Harbor. Even though the President, the Government and the National Assembly all promised a thorough investigation, there has not been anything substantial done. For the enactment of a special bill for the investigation into the disaster, we have travelled around the country to collect almost 4 million signature petitions, and have continued sit-ins and hunger strikes at the National Assembly and Gwanghwamun Plaza. Every day for 120 days, there has been a situation where we have had to beg and struggle for the search and rescue, for the investigation of facts, and for the survival and recovery of the missing. We have to ask what the state, the President, the Government and the National Assembly are here for?

The President and the Blue House disclosed less than 5% of the information requested by the Special Investigation Committee of the National Assembly, refused to disclose even the whereabouts of the President for 7 hours right after the disaster and have only been reiterating the fact that the Blue House is not the control tower for disasters.

The National Assembly, which did not played any active role at the beginning of the disaster, started the special investigation into the disaster only after we stayed and monitored at the National Assembly for 3 days without sleep. We discovered that the special investigation was not functioning properly, for example, wasting half of its designated period discussing and deciding the objects and schedules of institutional reports and hearings. In addition, the discussion over the enactment of the special bill which has been heavily influenced by political interests, has been against achieving the goal of the bill and the thorough investigation that the people are demanding..

The enactment of the special bill we advocate for is for: 1) the highest quality search and rescue until the last missing person is found; 2) the most thorough investigation into the disaster; 3) the complete remembrance and recovery of the disaster and the victims; and 4) the building of a safe nation where every life is respected. We believe every person and institution responsible should be investigated, all relevant information should be disclosed, and in order to make it possible, there is a strong need for a committee with independence, expertise, coercive power, diverse investigation tools, and enough time and personnel. We also believe the core of the coercive power is the authority to indict and conduct criminal investigations. We feel confident that this is the way to prevent similar disasters in the future and to save more precious lives even when a disaster is inevitable. If our belief is wrong, we urge anyone to tell us so.

When the President met us at the Blue House on the 16th of May, she promised that she would make sure we have no regrets relating to the investigation of the disaster. We have been asking the President why her promise has not been kept. The National Assembly, through its resolution on 29th of April, expressed its determination to do its best to reveal the cause of the incident and the truth clearly by thorough investigation. We have been asking the National Assembly why its determination has not been met. The President answered by blocking us, the people who simply wanted to meet her, while 2,000m away from the Blue House. The National Assembly replied by secretly coming up with an agreement on the contents of the special bill which is against ours and people’s will.

We would like to have a dialog with Pope Francis who is willing to be with us. We would like to know the truth about the disaster. We would like to make such disaster never happen again. We would like to build a society where every precious life is fully respected and everyone is safe. We would like to share our will by being with the Pope, Catholics and people at Gwanghwamun Plaza, the center of the nation, where our dialog with the President has been blocked from only 2,000m away. We believe the Pope will share our wishes with all of those who are always ready to stand by the weak and the suffering in the world.

We hope Pope Francis’ visit to the Republic of Korea will be an occasion where Catholic and universal values that every life should be respected and that everyone should be able to live in a safe society takes a strong root.


Appeal to Pope Francis: Ms. Hye-sook Jung, Mother of Sung-ho Park

My name is Jeong Hye-suk Cecilia from South Korea. I wholeheartedly welcome you and am looking forward to your visit to our country. My children and I, all of us devout Catholics, hold nothing but love and the greatest respect for you. We were long anticipating your visit and the opportunity to attend your beatification mass.

On April 16, however, our hopes and anticipation were crushed by tragedy. I lost one of my two children, my 18-year-old son, in the Sewol ferry disaster that occurred in the southern waters of South Korea. My son, Park Seong-ho Emmanuel, was a good child who wished to be a priest like you, one who embraces others with tender love.

We, the parents, were forced to stand by and observe as nothing was done to save our precious children. All we could do was wail as we watched them slowly drown. Other Koreans who followed this tragedy and the failure to mount a rescue mission on live TV bore witness to this tragedy and have long suffered in shock and sorrow.

After the tragedy, we, families, want to know why our children had to die like that. At least, we want to know the truth. Were they not saved or could not be saved? Is it because of bad weather or because they do not have proper rescue equipment? We want to know. We believe that it is our promise and responsibility to find the truth for 304 precious lives that were lost during the tragedy, including my child.

Your Holiness Pope Francis, who cares for the people who hurt the most,

Unfortunately, even though 120 days has passed since the tragedy, we still do not know why our children had to die. Sewol families and Korean people desperately called for the truth of the Sewol ferry, but the government has no political will to seek the truth. We have continuously asked for an establishment of an independent commission which has full authority to conduct criminal investigation and indictment. The government refused this call because there has been no precedent. I am not familiar with the word ‘criminal investigation’ nor ‘indictment’. However, I need to know why my son had to die and why it is important to punish the responsible person. Isn’t it the job of national leader to carefully listen to a desperate man so that it is not just heard as wind?

While appealing for finding the truth of the Sewol ferry to the government, we, families, walked on foot for 42km, from Danwon High School where our children used to go, to Gwanghwamum plaza in Seoul. We wore our children’s school uniform, carried their nametags so that we can feel their presence. We walked with them in spirit. Three members of the Sewol families carried 5kg cross and walked for 21 days. Some family members including myself went on hunger strike calling for the truth of the Sewol ferry tragedy. I was sent to the hospital after 7 days of my hunger strike. Yoomin’s father, who stays in Gwanghwamun plaza where you are going to hold beatification mass on 16 August, will reach 34th days of his hunger strike on the day of your mass. We are tired and exhausted, but when we think of our children, we will never give up. The parents who lost their child lost everything so cannot be exhausted.

Your Holiness Pope Francis,

We, Sewol families, really do miss our children. I want to hold his hand, touch his face and listen to his voice even in my dream. I still clearly remember my son’s voice when he called me, the time when we walked to the church to attend the mass, and when we awaited your visit together.

We profoundly hope that no one will ever again have to suffer the pain and grief that we are experiencing. We hope that no more precious lives, lives that our God loves so much, will fall victim to avarice. We hope that this country, which remains deep in sorrow under the shadow of death, can be made a safer place for all. This is why we are now holding back our tears and staging this hunger strike to make our call heard and create a country that values life.

Your Holiness, who comes to the lowliest place,
Your Holiness, who loves those in the lowliest place,
Please wipe away our tears and hear our stories. We pray for seeking our children’s truth.


Appeal to Pope Francis and the World: Mr. Young-oh Kim, Father of Yoo-min Kim

My beloved daughter Yoo-min liked to hug me and stay beside me. She was the daughter who hugged me from behind and called my name and put her arm under my neck as a pillow when I sleep. She did not even tell me that she was going on a school trip because she did not want to financially burden her poor father. I had to stand by and watch her dying in the capsized ferry as nothing was done to rescue her.

The truth on my daughter’s death must be found. So that tragedies like Sewol should never happen again. To do this, we have continuously called to enact a special law for a transparent and independent criminal investigation and indictment.

However, the government and ruling party avoided desperate calls from Sewol families and slandered us. Maybe it is because they are the ones who are responsible for this tragedy. We started a hunger strike to let people know about our desperation. If I cannot clearly find out the truth of my daughter’s death, I have no reason to live. I am willing to die for it. Until our version of special law is enacted, I will never leave this place.

I heard that Pope Francis cares for the people who hurt the most and values peace and human rights. Please remember us. I lost my daughter who is more precious than my own life and continue hunger strike for 31 days to find the truth of my daughter’s death. I can continue my hunger strike for a month because my daughter Yoo-min is still alive inside my heart. The Sewol ferry tragedy is not about me only. This is everyone’s issue living in a society which prioritises financial interest over human, a corrupted and incompetent government who prioritises its power over its people. Please keep your eyes on our voices and give political pressure to my government. Please save us who helplessly lost our children.

A Letter from Families of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy to Pope Francis

A Letter from Families of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy

13 August 2014

Your Beloved Holiness Pope Francis, please read the below letter from Sewol families.

The word ‘Sewol’ means flowing time in Korean. The ferry with the name ‘Sewol’ capsized on 16 April 2014 at sea in front of Jindo, a southern part of South Korea. Unlike its name, after the Sewol ferry capsized, Sewol families’ time never flowed and stopped on the day.

We are the parents of Danwon High School students, 2nd grade, who lost their lives in the Sewol ferry tragedy. We are still wondering whether we are dreaming or not. We sigh and lament while missing them, but we cannot do anything else but just call their names because they do not exist anymore. We want to hold their hands, see their faces and hug them. However, we could not even hug our children’s cold dead body swelled in the sea because we did not want to damage the body. There are still 10 missing victims under the cold sea. At least we found our dead children, but they are waiting for their family members that cannot even be recognized unless they test their DNA. Four family members were on the ferry together, the mother was found dead, the father and 7-year old son are missing, and only the 5-year old daughter has survived. That little girl is crying “My Mom, Dad and brother moved away and left me alone here.”

Your Holiness Pope Francis, we heard that you ran to the scene of the fire in Buenos Aires and joined the rescue operation when you were cardinal of Argentina. You arrived there earlier than fire engines and later, you strongly criticized the government and prosecutor’s office who did not investigate the case properly. As a result, as the case went to a higher court, hidden reasons of the fire were revealed and responsible people were punished heavily. Korean catholic churches have been very supportive of us. After the Sewol tragedy, they held daily catholic mass at Paengmok harbor in Jindo and Ansan. Several hundreds of catholic fathers and nuns joined hunger strike at Gwanghwamun Plaza with other people in solidarity with Sewol families. However, the South Korean Government, investigative agencies, judicial bodies, parliament and even the media close their eyes to the families’ request.

Our call is simple. We want to know why our family members had to die. We want to know why such a dangerous ferry was able to sail, and why a single person was not rescued. We also want to know why the media falsely reported that everyone was saved right after the tragedy and why they lied that the Government was providing all possible rescue personnel and equipment for the rescue operation when it is later discovered that the coast guard failed to rescue passengers.

Soon after the tragedy, the President and many politicians promised that they would never let such tragedies happen again. President Park said in her speech on 19 May 2014 that final responsibility is on her and she would enact a special law to find the truth. We never thought that the President’s promise may be a lie. However, as time goes by, Sewol families are ignored. President Park said that we can come to see her whenever necessary but the police blocked the road to the President’s Office when we went. This makes us believe that she is afraid of something. It has not been verified where President Park Geun-hye was for 7 hours during the so-called ‘golden hour’. That golden hour is the time when our families were dying in the ferry. However, the President’s office and the ruling party tell us that we do not need to know the truth. One of the parliamentarians from the ruling party who is in charge of investigating the Sewol tragedy even circulated a text humiliating the families. Police are using violence towards families and some of us were heavily injured. The Government, ruling party and authorities who were incompetent in rescuing our families in the ferry are responding to us with violence only. We cannot accept the current situation which is full of lies and deceptions.

Families have continuously called to enact a special law for a transparent and independent criminal investigation and indictment. This special law is neither about compensation nor privilege but only to find the reasons of our family’s death and the reasons of corruption. We hope that no one will ever again have to suffer the pain and grief that we are experiencing because a thorough and independent indictment and investigation will help to prevent further disasters. This law is to help establish a safe society where there are no more repeated tragedies. Korean people are well aware of this cause and stood in solidarity with us. In a state that abandoned us, people on the ground were the real state for us.

Among those who lost their lives, there is a boy who respected you and wanted to follow your path. His name is Sung-ho Park who wished to be a priest like you, one who embraces others with tender love. Another boy named Joon-hyung Jang dreamt to be a Catholic priest. Sung-ho Choi was the only child in the family. Gun-ho who was an only child used to tell his mother to study together with him so that she could find a new job. Yoomin’s father, who raised two children alone after a divorce become bony after the hunger strike he started after losing his child and he has continued for more than 30 days until today.

Our precious children, we cannot tell them in person anymore that we love them. We lost them in front of our eyes. Your Holiness Pope Francis, please hear our prayers. We cannot bring them back to life but we can find the truth of the Sewol ferry. We want to see them at least in our dreams but they do not appear frequently, maybe this is because we could not find the truth yet. We are wearing our children’s clothes and their socks to feel that they are still with us, but we do not know what to do if these clothes are worn out. Survived students are suffering from the guilt as they thought that they abandoned their friends in the ferry. Sometimes, they just sit quietly in the classroom that used to be full of their friends and watch the empty seats. We also need to find the truth for these survived children. Otherwise, they will feel guilty whenever they think about the tragedy and will never be able to leave the Sewol ferry behind. In the time that stopped after the tragedy, our daily lives are painful like death, our bones hurt and our heart melt. We apologized to our children that they were born under weak and poor parents like us. We deplore and feel shameful that we could not protect our children when they really needed us. This is why we plucked up our heart even though our body and soul were broken after the tragedy. We try to fight against the invisible super power. This fight is not only for us but for everyone who wants to live in a safer society.

Your Holiness Pope Francis, the way to find the truth is the only way our time flows. Please pray for us not to lose our courage. Please pray for our children so that they can wait for us in a heaven. Please give us strength to fight against this corrupt and apathetic society.

Yours Sincerely,

Families of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy


[가족대책위기자회견] 가족과 국민을 우롱한 여야 합의 파기하라

새정치민주연합 세월호 특별법 합의 철회 촉구 기자회견

가족과 국민을 우롱한 여야 합의 파기하라

일시 및 장소 : 2014년 8월 10일(일) 오전 11시 30분 새정치민주연합 중앙당 당사 앞

오늘(8/10) 오전 11시 30분, 세월호 참사 일반인 희생자 유가족 대책위원회와 세월호 참사 희생자/실종자/생존자 가족 대책위원회(이하 세월호 가족대책위)는 새정치민주연합 중앙당 당사 앞에서 세월호 특별법 합의 철회를 촉구하는 기자회견을 개최했습니다. 이번 기자회견에서 세월호 가족들은 여야 원내대표의 밀실합의를 파기할 것을 촉구하며 내일(8/11) 열리는 의원총회에서 합의를 부결시키고 재협상을 의결해줄 것을 새정치민주연합 소속 국회의원들에게 요구했습니다. 동시에 새누리당에게도 진실을 숨기려는 시도를 멈추고 재협상에 나설 것을 촉구했습니다.

세월호 가족들은 지난 8/7(목) 여야 원내대표가 합의한 세월호 특별법 내용을 받아들일 수 없다는 입장을 재확인한 바 있습니다. 이에 세월호 가족들은 8/9(토) 새정치민주연합 당사에 기습적으로 들어가 세월호 특별법 재합의를 강력히 촉구하며 당사 안에서 새정치민주연합에 대한 항의 행동을 이어나가고 있는 중입니다. 세월호 가족들은 가족들의 요구에 대한 새정치민주연합의 답변을 당사, 국회, 광화문 등에서 오늘 저녁까지 국민들과 함께 기다리겠다고 밝혔습니다.

 세월호 가족들의 대국민 호소문

가족과 국민의 요구를 무시한 이완구, 박영선의 밀실야합의 결과물을 우리는 인정할 수 없습니다. 세월호 유가족을 두 번 죽이는 것입니다. 때리는 시어머니보다 말리는 시누이가 더 밉다고 합니다. 유가족과 국민의 마음이 딱 그렇습니다.

참 못났습니다. 야당. 야성을 잃은 야당, 이대로 침몰하는 겁니까?
새정치민주연합 국회의원님들, 이대로 괜찮으신 겁니까?
배신에 저항할 양심 야당의원 단 10명만 있어도 야당은 바뀔 것입니다.

여러분이 할 수 있는 모든 행동을 해주시기를 호소합니다.
새정치민주연합 의원총회에서 세월호 특별법 합의가 부결되도록 해주십시오. 야성을 되찾고 부결을 결의하도록 주십시오. 그리고 유가족과 국민들과 함께 진실규명, 책임자 처벌, 안전사회 건설이 보장된 특별법 제정에 앞장서도록 국민 여러분의 힘을 모아주십시오.

대한민국 국민 여러분, 우리가 일꾼을 잘못 뽑았으니 우리도 이대로면 안되겠습니다. 의원들에게 항의전화를 걸어주세요. 새정치민주연합 홈페이지에 항의 글을 올려주십시오. 새누리당도 가만두지 마십시오.

어제 저녁 많은 시민 분들이 와주셔서 큰 힘이 되었습니다. 오늘 저녁 7시에도 당사 앞에서 촛불을 밝혀주십시오.


가족과 국민을 우롱한 여야 합의 파기하라

우리는 언제까지 4월 16일의 세월호에 갇혀 있어야 하는 것입니까. 우리는 그날 아이들과 함께 물에 빠진 것이나 다름없습니다. 그래도 이를 악물고 숨을 쉬었습니다. 아이들이 왜 그렇게 죽어가야 했는지는 알려줘야 하니까요. 그리고 시간이 흐르면서 이게 그렇게 쉬운 일이 아니라는 것도 잘 알게 되었습니다. 아침이면 밥 챙겨주고 점심이면 분주하다가 저녁이면 슬며시 행복해하던 평범한 사람들이라 세상이 이렇게 굴러가는 줄 몰랐습니다. 진실을 숨기기는 쉽지만 밝히기는 어렵다는 것도 알게 됐습니다. 안전하다는 막연한 생각 뒤로 숱한 위험들이 시한폭탄처럼 숨어 있다는 것도 알게 됐습니다. 그러나 포기할 수 없었습니다. 진실을 밝히는 일이 세상을 바꾸는 일만큼이나 어렵다면, 세상이라도 바꿔야지요. 그런 마음으로 여기까지 왔습니다.

여야 원내대표가 합의했다는 특별법 내용을 듣고 벌렁거리던 심장이 가라앉지 않습니다. 아이의 얼굴이 떠오르는데 차마 그 아이의 얼굴을 볼 수가 없어 어쩔 줄 몰랐습니다. 아이들한테 부끄럽지 않은 부모가 되려고 애써 온 그동안의 시간을 여야 원내대표가 이렇게 짓밟아도 되는 것입니까. 새누리당이 우리를 조류에 비유하고 참사를 단순 교통사고라 주장하고 목숨 건 가족들의 단식을 폄하할 때, 그나마 새정치민주연합은 가족의 요구를 듣고 있는 줄 알았습니다. 박영선 비대위원장은 가족들과 함께 안산에서 광화문까지 함께 걷기도 했습니다. 부모의 마음으로 응답하겠다고 하더니 이게 부모의 마음입니까. 국회 안에서 무슨 일이 벌어지는지 다 알지 못했지만 그래도 노력하는 줄 알았습니다. 400만 명에 가까운 국민들이 청원한 특별법을, 국회니까 무시하지 않을 줄 알았습니다. 그런데 가족들은 뒤통수를 맞은 느낌입니다. 김기춘을 비호하고 청와대를 지키려고 ‘전례가 없다’, ‘사법체계를 흔든다’며 특별법 제정을 거부했던 새누리당에 달려가야 할 우리가 왜 새정치민주연합에 와야 했는지 이해가 되지 않습니다.

세월호가 평형수를 덜어내고 돈이 되는 화물을 더 채운 것처럼, 새정치민주연합은 가족의 요구를 덜어내고 무엇을 채운 것입니까. 그게 아니라면 그냥 급변침한 것입니까. 이대로 대한민국이 다 침몰해도 상관없다고 생각한 것입니까. 세월호 참사 이전과는 달라야 한다고 말해온 가족과 국민들을 버리고, 새누리당이 선장과 선원처럼 탈출하려는데, 그들부터 구조한 해경과 새정치민주연합은 무엇이 다릅니까. 가족과 국민의 요구를 무시한 이완구, 박영선 여야 원내대표를 생각하면, 잘 써보지도 않았던 규탄한다, 각성하라, 이런 말들이 입에서 술술 나옵니다. 그래도 부족한 느낌입니다. 우리는 아이들에게 부끄럽지 않다는 마음이 들 때까지, 뭐라도 다 할 것입니다.

우리는 분명히 요구합니다. 여야 원내대표의 밀실 합의를 파기하십시오. 새정치민주연합의 모든 국회의원에게 요구합니다. 여러분이 할 수 있는 모든 행동을 해주십시오. 가족과 국민은 합의한 적 없습니다. 여야 원내대표는 누구를 대표해서 합의한 것입니까. 내일 열린다는 의원 총회에서 합의를 부결시켜주십시오. 그리고 철저한 진실 규명을 위한 특별법을 제정할 재협상을 의결해주십시오. 새누리당에게도 촉구합니다. 탈출한 줄 알고 안도한다면 오산입니다. 진실을 숨기려는 시도를 멈추고 재협상에 나서십시오.

실수는 한번쯤은 봐줄 수 있습니다. 그러나 대통령이 임명하는 특검에 마지막 진실을 기대하는 특별법 만드는 것은 용서할 수가 없습니다. 실수를 뒤집는 것이 용기입니다. 한 분이든 두 분이든 그 용기를 보여주십시오. 언제나 가족들과 함께 해주셨던 국민들과 오늘 저녁까지 기다리겠습니다. 당사든 국회든 광화문이든 찾아와 가족들에게 약속해주기를 기대합니다.

2014년 8월 10일
세월호 참사 일반인 희생자 유가족 대책위원회
세월호 참사 희생자/실종자/생존자 가족 대책위원회


[기자회견] 수사권과 기소권 없는 특별법 야합은 무효다 재협상하라

세월호 참사 국민대책회의 긴급기자회견
수사권과 기소권 없는 특별법 야합은 무효다 재협상하라

일시·장소 : 8/8 (금) 오전 11시 30분, 광화문광장

세월호 참사 국민대책회의는 8월 8일(금) 오전 11시 30분 광화문광장에서 7일 이뤄진 여야의 세월호특별법 야합에 대한 국민대책회의의 입장과 향후 대응 계획을 밝히는 긴급기자회견을 개최했습니다. 국민대책회의는 유가족과 국민의 뜻이 배제된 세월호특별법 야합은 무효임을 밝히고, 광화문 국민농성확대와 9일 광화문 촛불행동 등 사업계획을 발표했습니다.

세월호 참사 국민대책회의 세월호 특별법 야합 대응 긴급 사업계획

1. 개요

- 7일 여야 원내대표는 가족과 국민의 요구를 묵살하는 특별법 내용에 합의하였음
- 가족대책위와 국민대책회의는 이런 합의를 명확히 반대하며 수사권 기소권 있는 특별법 제정을 촉구하는 더욱 강력한 행동을 조직해 나갈 것임.

2. 주요사업계획

1) 새누리당 및 새정치민주연합 규탄행동
- 전국 각지에서 새누리당과 새정치민주연합에 야합에 항의하는 기자회견, 1인시위 진행

2) 광화문국민농성 확대
- 8일부터 국민대책회의는 광화문광장 국민농성을 올바른 특별법 제정을 요구하는 시민들로 광화문광장이 가득찰 때까지 확대해나갈 계획임.

3) 8월 9일 광화문 촛불행동
- 8월 9일 저녁7시 광화문광장에서 대규모 촛불문화제 및 항의행동 진행

4) 제대로된 특별법 제정촉구 자전거행진 확대
- 어제(7일)부터 진행한 특별법 제정촉구 자전거행진을 확대
- 8일에는 오후 3시 광화문광장, 9일에는 여의도문화광장에서 출발하여 서울도심을 달리며 제대로된 특별법 제정 촉구

5) 제대로 된 특별법 논의를 위한 국민대토론회 요구, 재협상 촉구 온오프라인 활동
- 수사권과 기소권이 보장되는 특별법 제정을 위한 국민대토론회 요구 및 재협상 촉구 활동

6) 8월 15일 광화문광장 제대로된 세월호 특별법 제정범국민대회 개최
- 전국에서 2차 세월호버스를 조직하여 10만명이 참여하는 특별법제정 범국민대회 개최



수사권 기소권 없는 특별법 야합은 무효다. 재협상하라
가족과 국민의 요구 짓밟은 여야를 규탄한다

우리는 오늘 또 다시 더욱 참담한 심정으로 이 자리에 섰다. 지난 7월 24일 참사 100일전에 세월호 특별법을 제정하라는 유가족들의 절절한 호소와 국민의 요구를 외면하고 7월 30일 재보선에만 집착하던 새누리당과 새정치민주연합이 어제(8/7) 덜컥 세월호특별법에 합의했다고 한다.

그런데 그 합의의 내용을 들춰보면 기가 막히지 않을 수 없다. 세월호 가족들과 국민대책회의 그리고 대다수 국민들이 요구하던 진상조사특별위원회에 수사권과 기소권을 부여하라는 알맹이를 빼먹은 껍데기뿐이다. 수사권과 기소권은 대통령이 입맛대로 임명하는 상설특검에게 주고 진상조사특별위원회는 그야말로 허울로만 가족의 참여를 보장하고 있을 뿐이다. 세월호 가족과 국민의 요구를 깡그리 짓밟은 것이다.

애초부터 어떤 근거도 없이 사법체계 운운하며 진상규명을 가로막기 위해 진상조사위에 수사권과 기소권 부여를 반대했고, 선거에서 승리하자 세월호 참사를 정리하고 경제를 살리자며 국회에서 농성하는 유가족을 노숙자로 비하한 새누리당은 물론이거니와 철저한 진상규명을 위해 유가족들이 주장한 진상조사위에 기소권과 수사권을 부여하는 방안을 포기하고, 심지어 특검추천권까지 포기하면서 아무 권한도 없는 진상조사위에 겨우 3명 가족의 참여가 보장된다고 생색내고 있는 새정치민주연합의 가증스러운 태도는 역겨운 뿐이다. 유가족과 국민을 우롱한 야합을 주도한 이완구 원내대표와 박영선 원내대표는 그에 상응하는 책임을 져야 할 것이다. 특히 자기 입으로 성역 없는 진상조사를 위해 독립적 특검을 강력하게 주장하고도 특검추천권까지 포기한 박영선 원내대표는 그 책임이 크다. 지금 즉시 야합을 파기하지 않는다면 사퇴를 비롯하여 그에 대한 합당한 책임을 물을 것이다.

우리는 그런 세월호특별법에 합의한 바 없다. 우리는 그런 합의에 동의할 수 없다. 진상조사위에 기소권과 수사권이 부여되어야만 철저한 진상조사가 가능하다는 것은 자명한 사실이다. 지난 1일 갤럽이 조사한 여론조사 결과 국민들의 53%가 진상조사위에 수사권 부여에 찬성하고 있다. 반대 의견은 24%에 그쳤다. 유가족도 알고 국민들도 아는 자명한 사실을 새누리당과 새정치민주연합만 모르쇠로 일관하고 있다.

세월호특별법에 대한 새누리당과 새정치민주연합의 야합은 국민과 유가족의 뜻을 거스르는 것으로 무효이다. 국민들과 유가족의 뜻이 어디 있는지 의견을 듣는 절차가 있어야 한다. 350만 명의 국민이 유가족과 함께 청원한 법안을 논의조차 제대로 하지 않는 것은 국회의 직무유기가 아닐 수 없다. 다시 협상해서 진상조사위에 수사권과 기소권이 보장되는 세월호특별법을 제정해야 한다.

이런 자명한 사실을 새누리당과 새정치민주연합에 가르쳐주기 위해 우리는 다음과 같이 행동할 것이다.

첫째, 세월호 특별법 제정 과정에 국민과 유가족의 의견이 반영되어 특별법에 수사권과 기소권이 보장되도록 국민대토론회와 재협상을 촉구하는 각종 행동을 조직할 것이다.

둘째, 8일부터 광화문 국민농성을 확대하여 올바른 특별법 제정을 요구하는 시민들로 광화문광장이 가득 찰 때까지 확대해 나갈 것이다.

셋째, 새누리당과 새정치민주연합의 야합에 항의하는 각계각층의 기자회견과 항의행동을 전국에서 조직할 것이다.

넷째, 8월 11일(월) 비상시국회의를 개최하여 올바른 특별법 제정에 동의하는 모든 단체와 국민들의 힘을 모을 것이다.

다섯째, 8월 9일(토) 광화문광장에서 대규모 촛불문화제를 진행하고 이후 항의행동 진행할 것이다. 나아가 8월 15일(금)에는 10만 명이 모이는 범국민대회를 개최하여 제대로 된 특별법 제정을 위한 국민들의 의지와 뜻을 보여 줄 것이다.

철저한 진상규명과 책임자 처벌, 안전한 나라 건설을 위한 특별법 제정을 촉구하며 국회와 광화문에서 한 달여를 한데 잠을 자며 농성하고 있는 수백 명의 유가족들이 있다. 광화문광장에는 수사권과 기소권이 보장되는 제대로 된 특별법 제정을 촉구하며 25일 넘게 곡기를 끊은 한 아이의 아버지가 있다. ‘잊지 않겠습니다’라는 약속과 ‘끝까지 함께 하겠습니다’는 약속을 지킬 것이다. 수사권과 기소권이 보장된 제대로 된 세월호 특별법이 제정될 때까지, 세월호 참사의 진상이 규명되고 책임자를 처벌하고 안전한 나라가 건설될 때까지 우리는 멈추지 않을 것이다.

세월호 참사 국민대책회의


[Action] International Solidarity Week to Remember the Sewol Ferry Tragedy

International Solidarity Week to Remember the Sewol Ferry Tragedy

The Truth Shall Not Sink with Sewol!

On April 16, 2014, hundreds of desperate voices cried out for rescue – but most of those cries went unanswered. The tragic sinking of the Sewol ferry cost the lives of 304 innocent people, 10 of whom who are still missing and unaccounted for. It has been over 100 days since the tragedy occurred yet the world still waits for an independent investigation to be properly conducted. The victims’ families are desperately protesting for the enactment of a special law which would establish an independent commission to investigate the cause of the accident and also develop strong measures to prevent tragedies like this from happening again.

Please Join our International Solidarity Week to Remember the Sewol Ferry Tragedy!

How to Raise Your Voice?

  • One-person or Group Demonstration to raise awareness of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy – You can download banners for your demonstration at www.sewoltruth.com
  • Organize a Candlelight Vigil to remember and honor the Sewol Ferry victims – Create an event which people in your region can join at www.sewoltruth.com/events
  • Send Solidarity Messages to the Sewol Ferry Victims

Please send details on your participation with photos/videos to sewolho416@gmail.com by August 14, 2014 (Korea Time). We will post it on our websites and share these Solidarity Messages with the victims’ families.



[Press Conference] Sewol Families Committee’s Position on the Agreement Between the Rival Parties Regarding the Special Sewol Bill

We oppose the agreement between the rival parties that squashed the family’s requests

Date and Location: August 7, 2014 (Thursday), 7pm, Main National Assembly Building

The Sewol Families Committee held a press conference in front of the National Assembly main building today on August 7, 2014 at 7pm and expressed their position on the agreement between the ruling party and opposition party about the Special Sewol Bill.

The Saenuri Party and the New Politics Alliance for Democracy did not guarantee the right to investigate and the authority to indict to the Special Investigative Committee. They jointly announced that the investigation would be executed under a special investigator nominated by the president under the special investigatory law. This in fact completely ignored the petition submitted by the family members and signatures of 3.5 million citizens.

The Sewol Families Committee clearly states that they are opposed to the agreement between the ruling party and opposition party that completely rejected the request of the family members and citizens. They cannot accept the agreement between the two rival parties that took place without asking any questions to the Sewol Families Committee for their opinion.

We oppose the Rival Parties’ Agreement that Squashed the Family’s Requests

The family members couldn’t hide their anger upon hearing the news about the agreement between the ruling party and opposition party. This is because the agreement between the rival parties clearly rejected the requests of the family members and citizens. The July 30th elections resulting in favor of the ruling Saenuri party provided the perfect opportunity for the Saenuri party to blatantly escape the Sewol ferry situation.

We will not repeat in length why we need the authority to investigate and indict in order to reveal every single truth about the sinking of the Sewol ferry. The reason we need the authority to investigate and indict will not disappear unless the reason to reveal the truth disappears. The joint investigation of the police and prosecutors and the government investigation only spread more doubt, rather than providing the truth to the families and citizens. When evidence arose pointing to the possibility of the National Intelligence Service’s involvement in the reconstruction of the Sewol ferry, they wanted to bury that evidence. Although we are curious about what the president was doing during the 7 hours, included in the golden time, they say that cannot tell us. Are they telling us—the family members—to stop now when we have not been able to move on with our lives since April 16th? Are you telling us to live the rest of our lives with this tragedy?

The agreement to allow the special investigator nominated by the president under the special investigatory law is killing the family members twice. The family members are not allowed to give any input on who the special investigatory nominating committee appoints as two candidates, and among the two candidates, the president gets to nominate one of them. Are you telling us to entrust finding the truth to why our children were left to die to this kind of special investigator? If this were the case, we wouldn’t have even petitioned for a special law. The reason why we can’t entrust finding the truth to the police, prosecutors, and government investigators is not solely based on distrust. It is because we have to write our own letter from this world to our children who were victims of the Sewol ferry accident and to the many victims who sacrificed their lives.

We are very curious about the intentions of the rival parties when they reached an agreement today. We seriously question whether they actually read the proposed law stated in the family members’ and citizens’ petition. We would like to ask whether they could promise to reveal the truth based on the law that they agreed upon. Why did the rival parties, that showed no intentions to agree on the day that the president made a promise, or on the 100th day of the Sewol ferry tragedy, suddenly come to an agreement like this today? There is no ethical reason not to ask if this was simply an agreement to save face for the anxious Blue House in anticipation of the visit of the Pope next week?

The governmental investigation shied away from finding the truth. The Saenuri party didn’t even take one step to find the truth after coming up with a so-called special law that was supposed to have the authority to reveal the truth. The Saenuri party has only focused on finding a way to escape from the Sewol tragedy. Do you realize that the New Politics Alliance only chased after the Saenuri party that was trying to escape? The New Politics Alliance can only be seen as a sideshow to help the Saenuri party’s attempt to escape from the Sewol tragedy situation.

But in the center of this is Park Youngsun who is the head of the Emergency Committee and the family members cannot hide their frustrations. When Emergency Committee leader Park Youngsun was the political leader of her party, she was the one who strongly advocated for an independent investigatory body to conduct a thorough investigation to find the truth. And you were the one who visited the family members of the Sewol tragedy and emphasized this special law! We, the family members, cannot tolerate that you changed your mind as easy as flipping your hands and outrightly disregarded the opinions of the families and citizens and sided with the ruling party. Not only that, we want to make it clear again that we oppose your decision. We clearly state that the agreement between the ruling party and opposition party that took place without asking anything to the Victims’ Family’s Special Committee is an agreement only between yourselves.

If we stop here, the truth will disappear and another tragedy will slowly creep upon us. The citizens who have been working with the families were also unable to hide their anger and concern about the agreement between the rival parties. This time things have to change. A special law that allows the authority to investigate and indict in order to prove the truth must be put in place. This is what the citizens want. We clearly state that the rival parties’ despicable agreement that disregards the finding of the truth cannot stop us.

7 August 2014
Sewol Tragedy Victims’ Family Committee
Sewol Tragedy Victims/Missing/Survivors’ Family Committee

Translated by Sewol Truth

Korean Statement >> 세월호 특별법 여야 합의에 대한 세월호 참사 가족대책위 입장 발표 기자회견